
Welcome to the Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL).  We are the international professional development organization for ePortfolio practitioners and researchers.

Welcome from AAEEBL President, Tracy Penny Light

News and Events

Call for Papers for AAEEBL ePortfolio Review.

Call for Papers AAEEBL ePortfolio Review Fall/Winter 2023 edition
The annual AAEEBL conference theme was ePortfolio Learning in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Fostering Authentic Assessment Through Inclusive Pedagogies and Design Justice.  This issue is dedicated to articles on this theme.  However, other articles will be reviewed and may be included in the upcoming edition.  The due date is Aug 31, 2023.

The COVID-19 pandemic prompted (or forced) many of us in the ePortfolio community to rethink how we design ePortfolio implementations so as to center those who are often marginalized. Since then, the ongoing ramifications of post-pandemic life as well as new opportunities for rethinking pedagogical practices such as the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) require that we remain vigilant in designing ePortfolio opportunities that foster equity and inclusion while also promoting engagement, authentic learning, and academic integrity. Now more than ever, changes in enrollments and budgets demand that we articulate the value and impact of ePortfolios to institutional and community stakeholders. 
We are especially looking for articles that explore these areas:
Authentic assessment: How can authentic assessment strategies center marginalized voices, e.g. in institutional assessment and accreditation efforts, effective course and program design?
Digital tools, including AI: How can portfolio practice give students the critical digital literacies to navigate present and emerging digital tools in ways that complement and extend their learning, productivity, and well-being? How does technology expand and / or constrain the scope of our vision for ePortfolios that are designed with justice in mind?
Design justice: How can portfolio designs be justice oriented, and how can these designs improve and enhance higher education? How should we consider the principles of design when implementing ePortfolios?
Effective implementation frameworks: How can applying an effective implementation framework using a stakeholder approach and other high impact practices sustain, heal, and empower all members of our community? How can we most effectively promote equity, access, inclusion, and belonging through ePortfolio implementations? What practices (e.g. pedagogies, integrations, assessments, reflections, showcases, professional development) have proven to be successful in creating authentic assessments?
Submit your proposal here!

Annual Meeting 2023

The 2023 AAEEBL Annual Meeting theme is “ePortfolio Learning in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Fostering Authentic Assessment Through Inclusive Pedagogies and Design Justice”.

AAEEBL Annual Meeting 2023. Theme: ePortfolio Learning in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Fostering Authentic Assessment Through Inclusive Pedagogies and Design Justice. Deadline for proposing a session: 10 May. Online part of the event: 13-14 July. Pre-conference in-person workshop day: 19 July. In-person part of the meeting: 20-21 July.

It will be a place of exploration: How are inclusive pedagogies that harness ePortfolio practices in a post-pandemic world best designed to foster authentic assessment and academic integrity? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an emerging field and topic of discussion in the portfolio world. How do we interact with it? What does it all mean in regards to design justice, digital ethics, assessment, and inclusive portfolio planning? In which ways can AI benefit portfolio activities for both students and instructors? How do we leverage the principles of design justice to create successful portfolio implementation frameworks and follow digital ethics portfolio design principles to foster belonging for all?

These are just a few questions that we will explore and discuss. Find all meeting details on our Annual Meeting website.

The Annual Meeting will have an online part and an in-person part that will be held at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Register for the AAEEBL Annual Meeting 2023.

Important dates:

  • Extended call for proposals deadline: 10 May 2023
  • Registration is open
  • Online part: 13-14 July 2023
  • Pre-conference in-person workshops: 19 July 2023
  • In-person part: 20-21 July 2023

Digital Ethics Research Survey

If you work in an institution in Canada or the U.S., we invite you to participate in our research survey to map the field of ePortfolios. We are interested in answering the following questions:

  • Who is doing ePortfolio work in tertiary institutions?
  • How is this work supported in tertiary institutions?
  • How is this work acknowledged by tertiary institutions?
  • What elements contribute to the sustainability and success of ePortfolio use?

AAEEBL ePortfolio Review

The latest issue of AePR is available now! Check it out today and consider contributing to an upcoming issue!

AePR Winter 2022, Vol. 6, Issue 1

Get in touch

If you have questions about connecting with the AAEEBL community, please send an email to